Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why Musik is Important for Your Boca Baby

So you had a baby.

You’ve done the whole stay-at-home thing for weeks now and maybe you’re thinking, perhaps I should expose my tiny human to something educational outside of the house? Something social with other Boca moms? Something sanity saving…but also fun.

I’ve tried all of these Boca Raton “Mommy & Me” classes, but my OG baby course with my daughter? It was Musikgarten.

Early music education, come to find out, is very important! Musikgarten offers a comprehensive early childhood program that spans up to nine years of a child’s musical development. Not only does it help with all areas of development, it can create a special bond within your family. When music and movement are a natural and joyous part of childhood, children benefit greatly in so many areas of life. I’ve seen it firsthand with my kid.

“There’s a natural progression semester to semester and my students love it. Patterns and songs are repeated and built upon, addressing children’s’ needs at each level,” says Jessica King, Musikgarten instructor and founder of Musikgarten and More Boca. “Language development, self-expression, memory skills, concentration, social interaction, fine motor skills, listening, problem solving, teamwork, goal setting and coordination are all impacted by early music education. And parents are encouraged to participate!”

Top five reasons why music activities are ideal for your growing child:

  1. Music immerses the child in language.
  2. Evokes movement.
  3. Stimulates the brain.
  4. Fosters physical coordination.
  5. Develops listening skills, the foremost necessity for learning.

So how do you get your baby or toddler involved? Sign up or drop-in. Current schedules for Musikgarten and More Boca classes can be found on their Facebook page.

Visit ModernBocaMom.com for even more things to do with your little ones in our area! And be sure to subscribe to Modern Boca Mom’s weekly e-newsletter:

Michelle Olson-Rogers
Michelle Olson-Rogershttp://www.modernbocamom.com
Michelle Olson-Rogers, a native to Boca, is the founder of ModernBocaMom.com, a lifestyle website for the stylish & modern South Florida Mommy. Modern Boca Mom features family events, activities, classes, fitness, dining, travel, home improvement and shopping options—as well as a weekly MOMpreneur spotlight! She and her husband Andrew have one daughter, Avery.

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